Amimax – Amikacin Injection

International Name :
Active Ingredient :
Manufacturer :
Innovative Pharmaceuticals
Form :
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Amimax Antibacterial injections are administered intravenously to prevent or cure a variety of bacterial infections. This may include illnesses of the urinary tract, bones and joints, lungs (such as pneumonia), brain, blood, and other organs. In order to prevent contamination, it is also used with hospitalized patients.

How Amimax Injection is used?

Amimax Injection stops the growth of germs, which is how it functions. It is administered directly into a vein or muscle as an infusion or trickle (intravenous implantation) under the supervision of a medical professional and should not act in a naturally controlled manner. Once culture results are available, your primary care physician may switch you to a different anti-infection. It should be used regularly throughout evenly spaced time intervals as advised by your PCP. No matter how much better you feel, try to stick with the entire course of therapy and don’t skip any meals. Stopping the drug too soon might cause the condition to worsen or recur.

Common Side effects of the Injection

The medication’s basic effects include increased blood urea and infusion site reactions. Consult your PCP if any of these outcomes persist or if your condition doesn’t get better despite therapy. A few people who consume large servings might suffer from hearing loss, renal damage, and loss of balance. As a result, when taking this medicine, kindly follow all of your primary care physician’s instructions.


If you have any liver issues, let your doctor know before taking it. Additionally, it might not be appropriate for those who have low blood pressure, significant circulation issues, severe heart failure, or a sluggish heartbeat. Before using it, women who are pregnant or nursing should also visit their doctor. To determine if this medication is appropriate for you to use, you must speak with your doctor. To ensure that this medication is functioning as intended, you should routinely get your blood pressure monitored. Avoid consuming alcohol since it may make certain adverse effects worse.




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