Erythropoietin Vial
International Name :
Active Ingredient :
Manufacturer :
Form :
Strength :
1000 IU
The erythropoietin vial is used to treat anaemia (low RBC count) in people suffering from kidney diseases, people receiving Zidovudine to treat HIV, and people receiving chemotherapy for some types of cancer (cancer that does not include blood cells). It may also be given to anemic patients to increase the blood cell count before certain planned surgeries that have a high risk of blood loss. This medication works by signalling the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells in the body.
- to treat anemia caused by kidney disease.
- to treat anemia caused by a certain cancer.
Side effects:
Most side effects are not that serious. If you are worried about it, you can consult a doctor.
- Common side effects
- High blood pressure
- Nausea
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Flu-like symptoms
How to use:
A doctor or nurse will inject you as per the instructions. Do not self-administer.